What our coffee means to a customer in Africa

Tyson Hegarty, Doctors Without Borders, in Sudan sporting his Evans Brothers Coffee hat

Tyson Hegarty, Doctors Without Borders, in Sudan sporting his Evans Brothers Coffee hat

Here is a recent correspondence we received from a customer that is doing amazing work in Sudan, Africa as part of Doctors Without Borders.  It sure feels good to know how our coffee can be something that lightens someone's day!  Needless to say we'll be sending him a complimentary shipment of coffee and more apparel.

"Hello from South Sudan!

>>> I am writing because, for the past 6 months, I have been working in South Sudan for Doctors Without Borders, sporting my Evans Brothers: Artisan Coffee Roasters hat.

>>> It has been with me through all kinds of crazy situations here, and one night as I was lying in my mud hut, staring at the hat for the hundredth time, I started to wonder if your company were still around. Looks like it is! A few years ago, when my brother and sister in law were in Idaho on a cross-country bicycle trip, my brother was given the hat as a gift by a Sandpoint resident.

>>> My brother gave me the hat to take along to Africa, and I use it constantly. However, it frequently reminds me of one of the many things not available in conflict affected South Sudan: GOOD coffee.

>>> I'm returning for several weeks around thanksgiving, and although we have many, many coffee roasters in Washington state, I would most love to celebrate my time at home with my own brother, and a fat bag of Evans Bros coffee. Can you please recommend the quintessential Evans Bros roast? I'll put an order in and have it shipped to my home town of Bellingham, WA in time for my homecoming. Hope to hear from you soon!

>>> Sincerely,
>>> Tyson Hegarty, RN
>>> Doctors Without Borders
Middle of Nowhere,
South Sudan

Posted on October 28, 2014 and filed under Uncategorized.